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How to Find Your Voice Online - Social Media 101 Series Part 3

One of the most important parts of your company's brand is your voice. By voice, I mean the way in which your messaging comes across to a potential customer. Are you the numbers-oriented agent that can always rattle off the latest market stats and run comps like nobody's business? Then your marketing should reflect that, with a heavy focus on statistical analysis of the market that is explained in a way that the average home buyer can understand.

Not everyone is a numbers guy though. Are you more of a humorous agent who likes to build rapport with their clients to be relatable? People like to work with those who make them laugh and they relate to, so this is also another viable voice for your real estate brand. In this case your content may be more centered on your day to day experiences in your work, with the occasional real estate meme thrown in to garner a laugh.

These two voices are more different than they are alike, but that doesn't mean that either one is necessarily more effective than the other. There are a hundred different possibilities between these two, and they are all going to resonate better with some prospective clients than others. An agent who puts out content that is more stats and numbers based might really be appealing to a 30 year old entrepreneur who is looking for his next home office. But at the same time that content might be dull and boring to the couple who has been married for 3 decades and is looking for an agent they enjoy having a conversation with as they hunt for a home to spend their golden years in. There is a target customer base for a wide variety of voices, and to capitalize on the one that is best for your brand you will need to do two things.

1. Be Authentic

Don't try and force yourself to be something that you are not, as this will likely end up coming back to haunt you. If you aren't a numbers oriented person then don't put out content pretending to be. The second you generate your first lead from that appointment and they have a conversation with you, it will be pretty obvious that you don't actually know your stats like you pretend to online. The same goes in the opposite direction as well. If you are an introvert, don't pretend to be outgoing online to seem more appealing because your clients will expect you to show up in real life being something you are not. Nobody likes being catfished, so make sure that your voice online matches the one that you will provide them in the real world.

2. Be Consistent

The only thing more misleading than pretending to be someone you aren't online is to pretend to be a jack of all trades. There is a way to be well rounded online without seeming like you are all over the place. If you post an in-depth analysis of the latest housing update from the National Association of Realtors one day and then post a funny meme about a crazy client at an open house the next then your clients may walk away being confused. I'm not saying that you can't be both smart and funny, but it is important to use a consistent voice online so that anyone looking at your page can get a good read on the kind of person that you are.

Now that you have a good idea about what it takes to define your voice online, sit down and ask yourself what the best choice for your brand is! If you need any help coming up with content or are looking for someone to work with you to define your brand's voice, feel free to reach out to us at Pixels and Paper today to take action!

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